Arise Unto Prayer

Theme: Unleashing the Power of Prayer

Topic: Arise Unto Prayer

Psalm 127:1-2
1 Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

The LORD builds the house with the power of His Word and Spirit. You can neither build your house nor keep it, with your own strength and wisdom only. We take several measures to protect ourselves, our families and our property. Society provides security services that work round the clock for our safety. We sometimes obtain guard dogs, wall our houses and purchase guns for protection. Everything of value to us, we build a measure of protection around it. We leave nothing to chance. However, without prayer, these things are done in vain (Psalm 127:1).

By praying, you commit the process of building the house to the LORD. It is more fruitful to rise up early and sit up late to pray than to rise up early and sit up late to work, depending on your own strength. Jesus Christ showed us the example by rising up early to pray (Mathew 1:35). This constant practice was the secret behind His successful ministry. To succeed in life and ministry, you must make a habbit of constant, fervent prayer.

Jesus Christ’s example of a constant prayer life should motivate you to pray. If He needed to pray to have spiritual results and be victorious in warfare, it cannot be different for you. A servant is no greater than His master – if the master prayed, you must pray. You cannot fight the demons that come against you in your own strength. With your own strength, you cannot prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). There is help from above, Jesus Christ is praying for you. There is the need for you to rise up and pray with Him.
Prayer Assignment:
1. Pray that you will receive the grace to have a consistent prayer life.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:1-2

Recommended Books:
“Jesus Christ Is Praying for You” by Eastwood Anaba
“All Sufficiency” by Eastwood Anaba
(e-books available at