The Strength of the Sound II

Friday, January 29, 2021

Month Theme: Explosion

Topic: The Strength of the Sound II

Scripture Reading: Revelation 1:1-17; Acts 2:1-10

Main Text:
Revelation 1:15
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

In Acts 2:1-2, the sound from heaven was fast – it rushed like a wind. It was also mighty like a wind. The word “mighty” describes the force with which the sound came. The sound from Heaven came with the speed (“rushing”) and strength (“mighty”) of a wind. The apostle John had a vivid revelation of Jesus Christ on the Island of Patmos (Revelation 1:13-17). In this captivating revelation, the voice of Jesus Christ was like the sound of many waters (raging waters or a cataract). It was a rumbling noise – an explosion.

The voice like the sound of many waters is:
1. Overwhelming — The sound of God’s voice or word overwhelms our thoughts, words and will. The brightness and sound that emanated from the glorious Jesus Christ were so compelling that John collapsed.
2. Overpowering — The voice of Jesus Christ and His overall description shows someone who overcomes the world (Isaiah 59:19). The voice overpowers the satanic and worldly standards, projections and machinations against the Kingdom of God.

John’s experience of Jesus’ voice and appearance was forceful and compelling. The mild and gentle approach to things of the Kingdom of God is giving way to a forceful attitude (Matthew 11:12).

Prayer: Pray that any enemy that rises against you will hear a sound of rebuke from the Lord.

Coming Soon:
“Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba
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