Thursday, January 28, 2021
Month Theme: Explosion
Topic: The Strength of the Sound I
Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-10
Main Text:
Acts 2:2
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
The sound like a wind rushed into the space the disciples occupied – it was like a rushing mighty wind (Acts 2:1-2). The sound from heaven was fast – it rushed like a wind. It was also mighty like a wind. The word “mighty” describes the force with which the sound came. The sound from Heaven came with the speed (“rushing”) and strength (“mighty”) of a wind.
The sound was characterised by the force of a wind. The term “mighty wind” refers to the strength of the wind or intensity of the sound. The explosion of God’s power is mighty. It is not weak. The sound in the Upper Room made the apostles militant. Sound or noise plays an important part in our warfare against the forces of darkness. In a battle of David against the Philistines, God’s movement with a sound made him and his enemies respond in appropriate ways for his victory (2 Samuel 5:22-25).
“And let it be, when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees…” God makes a sound. In a battle against the Philistines, God moved in the tops of the mulberry (balsam) trees. There was the “sound of a going”, sound of shuffling or sound like marching feet in the tops of the mulberry or poplar trees. God has a way of making our enemies hear sounds that scare them. God makes a sound in our warfare that defeats the enemy. The enemy certainly hears the sound (2 Kings 7:6-7).
Prayer: Pray that any enemy that rises against you will hear a sound of rebuke from the Lord.
Coming Soon:
“Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba
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