The Source of the Sound

Monday, January 25, 2021

Month Theme: Explosion

Topic: The Source of the Sound

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-10

Main Text:
Acts 2:2
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

Some characteristics of the sound on the day of Pentecost are clearly shown in the Acts 2: 2-4. Studying them will stir up our faith in the explosion of God’s power. The direction from which the sound came was described as “heaven”, the reason being it seemed to come from everywhere. The source of the sound was Heaven. Don’t listen to voices or sounds from hell. It is also likely that the writer of the book of Acts referred to the source of the sound as “heaven” because such a great blessing could only come from Heaven (James 1:17). The explosion of the Holy Ghost is a heavenly sound but not an earthly one.

It is not uncommon for supernatural phenomena to come from Heaven. In his experience with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, Paul (Saul) experienced a light from “heaven” (Acts 26:12-18). The presence of Jesus Christ was in it. The voice in the light gave Saul the divine mandate for His life. Heaven is the source of a good sound and glorious light. The Father of lights, reveals Himself from Heaven and releases His blessings from there.

Believers around the world are about to experience the sound or explosion of God’s power from Heaven in an audible way and His glory in a visible way. Christianity will be separated from other religions. The proof of the reality of Jesus Christ’s presence among us will be manifested from Heaven for the world to see.

Prayer: Pray and trust God to be constantly connected to Heaven.

Coming Soon:
“Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba
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