Seedtime and Harvest

Theme: The Giving Grace

Topic: Seedtime and Harvest

Genesis 8:22
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

There are many things believers do in their attempt to have all sufficiency. They include working, praying, being holy, exercising faith, forging unity with others, and having a clear vision. To have all sufficiency, however, we have to apply the biblical principle of sowing and reaping in addition to the other things we do.

In the beginning God created all plants with the capacity to yield seed (Genesis 1:11-12). The reason He did that was to create continuity through the seed; the earth will continue to have plants without God repeating the command to create them over and over again. The plant seed took over the responsibility of self-replenishment.

Sowing seed is a choice. When you decide to sow, it’s seed time. Harvest however is not a decision, but a result of sowing. If you choose to sow evil, it will bear evil fruit. If you sow good seed, you will harvest good fruit (Galatians 6:6-10). All sufficiency begins at seedtime. You can only reap what has been sown.

Prayer Assignment:
1. Pray that God will give you grace to sow good seed at your seedtime.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:11-12, Galatians 6:6-10

Recommended Books:
“All Sufficiency” by Eastwood Anaba
“The Millennium Pages of Love” by Eastwood Anaba
(e-books available at