Thursday, February 25, 2021
Month Theme: Fire
Topic: Purpose of the Child of the Devil
Scripture Reading: Acts 13:1-12
Main Text:
Acts 13:8
8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith.
The apostle Paul’s ministry journey took him to the isle of Paphos in which was situated the impressive temple of Venus. In this Island, he had an encounter with the governor or proconsul who requested to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 13:6-12). When the apostle went into the presence of the governor Sergius Paulus, he found a sorcerer called Elymas – meaning sorcerer, wizard, magician or astrologer.
Elymas was full of deceit and trickery. Apostle Paul called him a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that was right or righteous. His purpose in the life of the governor was to:
1. Defend — He withstood the apostle Paul. He defended his territory, and would not allow the Gospel to enter. Some territories are not easy to enter.
2. Divert — He tried to divert the governor’s attention from the faith. There are many diversionists in our lives. Someone is turning another person from you, your family, church or business.
There are many children of the devil around us — at home, in church, at work, etc. They may appear to be on our side helping us, but they are actually against anything that is righteous. We must be spiritually sensitive to the kind of people around us, to deal with the children of the devil.
Prayer: Pray for the grace of discerning of spirits and the vigilance to detect activities of the children of the devil.
Coming Soon:
“Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba
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