Theme: The Giving Grace
Topic: Impacting Lives – small things against big things
John 5:20
For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
Religious believers are happy to do small things like building small chapels but detest doing big things like building huge multipurpose facilities for the Kingdom of God. We erroneously associate big things with the world and worldliness, and small things with God.
It is the will of the Father to show believers greater works than what we are experiencing currently. Jesus Christ said that He always did what the Father did and the Father would show Him greater works (John 5:19-20). Believers must understand that small things are not a sign of humility, neither are big things a sign of pride.
The heathen build houses and we rent them. They own cars and believers pay fares. Unbelievers create employment and we run to them for employment. If paying fares and rent are testimonies of God’s love and power, who do the heathen who own the vehicles and houses glorify for owning them? Believers have become too comfortable with mediocrity. Things must change. It is time to take our place in doing big things to impact lives.
Prayer Assignment:
1. Pray that the Lord will give you the ability and the heart to do big things to impact lives.
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:1 – 7
Recommended Books:
“All Sufficiency” by Eastwood Anaba
“The Millennium Pages of Love” by Eastwood Anaba
(e-books available at