Explosion of the Holy Ghost

Monday, March 1, 2021

Month Theme: The Holy Ghost

Topic: Explosion of the Holy Ghost

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-5

Main Text:
Acts 2:4
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The power of the Holy Ghost is explosive. The SOUND LIKE A WIND and CLOVEN TONGUES OF FIRE were obvious expressions of an EXPLOSION of the Holy Ghost. The explosion that day of Pentecost was not quiet. The inhabitants of the entire city of Jerusalem heard it. Neither was it invisible – the disciples and many other witnesses saw it clearly (Acts 2:1-4, 6-8).

Christianity today is losing its attraction because of a dearth of explosive events and people. Many preachers have exchanged spiritual fervency for an emotional display filled with gesticulations. Prayer has been suppressed by a weight of unimaginable inertia. Worship and singing sessions drag on and on with the hope that the Holy Ghost will show up.

The Church was birthed in an explosive fashion and every revival in history was explosive. The present-day revival should not be different. The explosive move of the Holy Ghost is about to overwhelm the heavy cloud that has covered the world. Miracles will tear down the walls of unbelief. The power of God will destroy the kingdom of darkness. Exciting days of power are ahead of us (Isaiah 59:19-20).

Prayer: Pray that your spirit will be sensitive to the moves of the Holy Ghost.

Extract from: “Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba (Coming Soon:)
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