Expelling Demons II

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Month Theme: Explosion

Topic: Expelling Demons II

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:1-21

Main Text:
Mark 16:17
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

The apostle Paul cast out the spirit of divination from a young lady without any struggle (Acts 16:16-18). The lady was possessed by the spirit of divination – the spirit of a Python (huge serpent) or Pythios, was one of the names of Apollo, the Grecian god of the fine arts, of music, poetry, medicine, and eloquence.

To expel demons we must discern them. Various translations of the Bible describe how the apostle Paul discerned the spirit of divination in the young lady.
1. Agitation
The Message translation of the Bible says in Acts 16:18 that Paul was “fed up with her” and commanded the spirit to come out of her and “it was gone, just like that”. If we are fed up with demon possessed people, the demons would leave them just like that. We have entertained demons in our vicinity far too long.
2. Annoyance
The Amplified Bible says that when Paul was “sorely annoyed and worn out”, he charged the spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and “it came out that very moment.” Sometimes you don’t have to feel guilty for being annoyed with demons and their presence. When you discern them, cast them out.

When Jesus Christ assured the disciples that in His name they would cast out devils, He did not mean that they would struggle with demons before they cast them out (Mark 16:17-18). Spiritually, believers struggle for years to be free through what is popularly called “going through deliverance”. Most of the deliverance processes take months or years and involve weird procedures. Sadly, these deliverance exercises yield little results. Casting out devils should normally be easy expect in some kinds of spiritual contention with the forces of darkness.

Prayer: Pray and thank God for the authority over demons.

Coming Soon:
“Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba
(Find other e-books at www.amazon.com)