Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Month Theme: Explosion
Topic: Expelling Demons
Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:1-21
Main Text:
Mark 16:17
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Another aspect of the faith in Jesus Christ in which manifestations happen suddenly is expelling demons. Expelling demons is the practice of driving or forcing demons out of those who have them. It is commonly called casting out of devils (Mark 16:17-18). This practice is supposed to be simple and not laborious. In a deliverance case after the Mount of Transfiguration experience Jesus Christ exorcised a demon from a young man with so much ease that His disciples were surprised (Matthew 17:14-21).
Two factors empower believers to cast out devils:
1. Faith
In the above Scripture reference, Jesus Christ said some demons are cast out by faith. We must not chain mentally deranged people and inflict physical injuries on them in the name of deliverance and subject others to moral and psychological abuse with the pretence that we are taking them through deliverance. We should not run away from demons or struggle to cast them out of people (1 Peter 5:8-9).
2. Fasting and payer
Other devils are cast out through fasting and prayer. Modern-day believers spend too much effort in exorcising demons. We fast and pray too short but cast out devils too long (Luke 4:1-3, 13).
When Philip cast out devils in Samaria it was explosive (Acts 8:5-8). Do not be intimidated by demons.
Prayer: Pray and thank God for the authority over demons.
Coming Soon:
“Explosion Series” by Eastwood Anaba
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