Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Month Theme: Release
Topic: Embrace your Release
Scripture Reading: Numbers 14:1-10; Leviticus 25:8-13
Main Text:
Numbers 14:4
4 And they said one to another, Let us make a captain, and let us return into Egypt.
We must mark our Jubilee and march into freedom. In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were admonished to number or mark seven sabbaths of years and proclaim the Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8). The word “number” in the Leviticus scripture reference means to reckon, score or mark. TO EMBRACE THE JUBILEE MEANS TO MARK AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT.
Jesus Christ rebuked the people of His day for their failure to mark and take advantage of spiritual times though they could make weather forecasts (Luke 12:54-56). To discern the Jubilee is to embrace it. To see in verses 54 and 55 is to perceive with the eyes or the senses. The word discern in verse 56 above means to test, prove, scrutinise, recognise as genuine after examining. Discerning is a deeper and more spiritual way of seeing. You see the weather but you discern the time (Kairos – opportune time, opportunity, season).
We are not used to being sinless, blessed, healthy and debt free. When these good things come upon us, we can’t embrace them. We find all kinds of religious excuses not to be blessed or experience a jubilee. Let’s start seeing the blessings of the jubilee and embrace them (Numbers 14:6-9).
Prayer: Pray for the discernment to know the times.
Recommended Reading:
“The Jubilee” by Eastwood Anaba
(Find e-books at www.amazon.com)